Photography Tips & Tutorials
I get to see an awful lot of digital cameras and I get to read a heap of instruction books...
Most digital cameras have zoom lenses. These effectively give you a wide angle and a telephoto lens, with all the...
Flickr Stream. When I first started shooting I became so captivated with what I saw in the center of my...
flickr stream. We've included some of his images below also. Here's his tip. My one and only tip to improve...
As we mentioned a few weeks ago on the dPS blog and ImageVueX. The Tips We had around 120 entries...
Every now and again I like to do a roundup of some of the photography tips, tutorials and videos that...
Let's trigger a stick of gelignite under our digital images. And maybe explode some myths. You've got a digital camera....
Here at DPS we have occasionally featured articles on how to shoot like a photo-journalist. The great thing about this...
If you are new to working in Lightroom your first few weeks will be a steep learning curve. Here are...
The following post is from Australian photographer Neil Creek who just launched a free background image site featuring his photography,...
You are a first-year wedding photographer. You’ve shot a dozen weddings, or so. You are establishing your work flow routine,...
If you spend any amount of time online you're likely to have been exposed to the work of Trey Ratcliff,...
Satisfied brides are the most powerful marketing tool you can have as a wedding photographer. She will sing your praises...
Do you still shoot with film or have you transitioned fully to digital? Time for a reader poll: [poll id="9"]...
I'm always excited when I see resources being developed to help photographers improve their photography and move themselves towards being...
Got your bits mixed up with your bytes? Is a halftone less than a semi-quaver? Computer terms can often be...
“What have I gotten myself into?” The thought struck my brain as I surveyed the scene before me. Up to...
Mastering High Dynamic Range Photography This book naturally follows on Michael Freeman’s other book on night and low light photography,...
What is it with these bytes? And what about the bits? Are you up with the bits and bytes? It’s...
Today I'd like to try a different kind of post here at DPS called '3 minutes with....'. The idea is...
Every person that you photograph is unique. As the photographer, you know that before a shoot you ought to do...
I recently had the opportunity to interview Australian photographer Nicole Reed from A Shot Away about a shoot she did...
“Beyond The Camera” … strange title! Of course we’re talking about post-processing, twisting and tweaking digital pictures … all done...
Late last year over in a our forums Jim Bryant (pictured left) from (Jim Bryant Photography) put together an article...