Post Production
There's a Triangle of Service that you may have seen before which goes something like this: You have three options available (cheap,...
Photoshop is a massive tool that can be used to do just about anything on your images. But, knowing how...
When you start learning photoshop it is scary to see all those different tools you can choose from. It is...
If you’re a photo-fanatic, there is a lot to keep up with. New camera models are being announced way too...
Whenever you take a photo, no matter what the subject, it would be extremely unusual if it couldn’t be improved...
When looking through your pictures, have you ever had that sinking feeling of seeing everyone in a single image perfectly...
A previous article showed you how to get started in Lightroom’s Develop module by using the Camera Calibration, Lens Corrections and...
In this video Blake Rudis, from EverydayHDR, shows five really useful tips for using the Blend If feature, which is...
If you have read my earlier articles about Lightroom you will already understand how it differs from Photoshop and how...
They say photography is an art form, and I couldn't agree more. There are so many elements that go into...
A question I get asked a lot is, "What software for post processing would you recommend if you were starting...
In today's digital era, it's so simple to copy your photos onto your laptop hard drive and forget about them,...
The Lightroom Catalog is a database containing all the relevant information that Lightroom needs about your photos in order to...
Have you ever been somewhere with a great view and taken a picture with your widest lens, but wished you...
If you are new to Lightroom, the first thing you need to do after installing the software, opening it up,...
Since the first version was released over eight years ago, Lightroom has become the go-to software for many photographers, both hobbyist...
These Lightroom Tips will streamline your post-processing processes.
As the theme for this month is on landscape photography, I thought I would share three fun ways to add...
Working mostly in fine art portraits I've never felt the need to try a retouching program. I like to keep...
In this ultra fast video tutorial photographer Joshua Cripps walks your through how to process a landscape photo using Photoshop...
While Lightroom and Photoshop are sophisticated, advanced Raw converters and image editing programs, there are still many things that they...
This video tip is courtesy of Anthony Morganti and shows us what you can do using the Graduated Filter tool in...
Vintage, retro, moody, classic are all adjectives that might be used to describe black and white photographs. It may seem...
In this video tutorial from the Photoshop Training Channel, Jesús Ramirez goes over five Photoshop tips - you may not...