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Looking for a Last Minute Photography Gift For Christmas?

200912241359.jpgIf you’re anything like me you’ve probably left your Christmas shopping to the last minute (as I write this post there are exactly 3 hours left til the shops close here in Australia and I still need to get one more gift)!

If you’re still searching for a great photography gift for that special photographer in your life (or perhaps a treat for yourself) we’re happy to provide you with a solution here at DPS – our Essential Guide to Portrait Photogrpahy.

While an e-book is a little hard to wrap I’ve had a lot of readers email me today to tell me that they’ve just bought copies as gifts for family and friends. It’s particularly good because you don’t have to leave your house to get it and there’s no delivery fee – just pay for it and download.

Some are being quite creative in how they give them too with many burning the PDF onto CDs/DVDs so that they’re able to wrap it up. Others are buying them and then forwarding the download link onto the receiver of the gift via an email.

Learn more about what the E-book covers and grab your copy here.

We’re open to either approach – all we ask is that you help us out by buying a copy for each person you give them to.

PS: also check out these 10 great photography E-books which might make a nice bundle with ours!

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Darren Rowse
Darren Rowse

is the editor and founder of Digital Photography School.

He lives in Melbourne Australia and also runs a newsletter on adapting vintage lenses to modern digital cameras called Old Glass New Light.

Follow him on Instagram or on Threads.

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