This guest post was submitted by Martin Gommel from the German Blog KWERFELDEIN (flickr). This post is a followup to his previously posted 100 things I’ve Learned About Photography.
Learning photograph is one of my all time favorite activities. Reading Photography Blogs, chatting with other photonuts and last but not least the active shooting of images has enriched my life amazingly. Today I’d like to share 20 of the things that I’ve learned about Photography. Enjoy!
1. Shoot, Shoot, Shoot. This one cannot be overemphasized.
2. Your camera interprets reality and shows only fragments of what you have seen.
3. Shooting gets more fun when you can control the settings. Then you will be creative.
4. There is no such thing as bad weather.
5. You can find your own style. Be brave enough to do something crazy!
6. Take photographs of your friends and give them prints. This is a very personal gift that no one else can give.
7. Show your work – even if you do not see it as worthy of being purchased. Print it out and show it to potential buyers. No risk – no fun.
8. Shoot what impresses you – then you will impress others.
9. Short Photo trips are good, too. You don’t always have to spend a whole day at it.
10.Try using just a single lens over a long time, then you will become a specialist in shooting with it.
11. Forget your LCD… just forget it. The image will always be more brilliant and sharper that the original really is.
12. Take a good friend on your photo safari – it will lead to great and deep conversations.
13. Digital Photography is a paradox. It seams to be much cheaper but a look into you last receipts might prove otherwise 😉
14. Strobist rocks.
15. If you are shooting in nature – never forget your hiking boots. There is always a chance for a rainy day.
16. Leave your camera in your bag if you are meeting other photographers in a coffee house. Try it.
17. The best photographers fail sometimes. So can you.
18. Convince with images, not with swollen-headed words.
19. But: A good story can give your photograph a very deep meaning.
20. Help others succeed on their photographic journey – that will help you to stay humble.
Not enough ? Read 100 things I’ve learned about photography for more!
Question : What did you learn about photography over the last few months?

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