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10 Favorite “Best Photo Tips”…. By You!

The following post on The Great Photography Tips is by San Francisco based photographer Jim M. Goldstein. Learn more about him at the end of this post.

Eyeris by Jim Goldstein

When I posted The Best Photo Tip I Ever Received and turned the tables to ask what your best photo tip was I expected a few responses, but I was blown away by the response of 100 people. It just goes to show you that the collective knowledge of the photographic community should never be underestimated.

As a photographer it is extremely important to keep an open mind, seek out new knowledge and learn from others. In this point I know I’m preaching to the choir or else you wouldn’t be reading Digital Photography School. My point is that even those that write and post here at DPS have as much to learn from you as you from us. To take a little detour from my planned series of posts I wanted to point out my favorite “Best Photo Tips” by you the readers of DPS.

In no particular order they are…

  1. “Think BEFORE you press the shutter” – Fuzzy

  2. “Do you REALLY want a photo of this?” – Brian Rueb
    “Would you put it on your wall?” – Chet
  3. “Light is EVERYTHING in photography” – Teineli
    “Don’t take photographs of subjects, take photographs of the light” – Cedric
    and very succinctly put…
    “Your photo will be no better than the quality of the light… if the light is mediocre, do not expect anything more than a mediocre photo” – GL

  4. “The difference between great photographers and a not so great photographers is that the great ones don’t show their crappy pictures.” – Bill Boem

  5. “K.I.S.S. – Keep It Simple Stupid” – Laura

  6. “Try to express your emotion in photo.” – Igor
  7. “It’s not the camera” – Smitty
  8. “Take notes on every shot – you will learn far more from your failures.” – D. T. North

  9. “Bring your camera with you.” – Sybren

  10. “Never stop learning.” – steaminhaggis

Honorable Mentions:

– “If it’s worth taking one photo of, it’s worth taking a whole roll of. ” – Dan Wolfgang

– “Know your gear” – Scott

– “Fill the frame.” – Tim

– “Stop reading – go shooting.” – UncleSam

To all that took the time to reply to the original post thanks and here’s to more great comments and conversations! If you didn’t yet add your best photography tip – feel free to do so in comments below or share some of your knowledge over in our digital photography forum.

This post was written by Jim M. Goldstein. Jim’s landscape, nature, travel and photojournalismphotography is featured on his web site JMG-Galleries.com, and blog. In addition Jim’s podcast “EXIF and Beyond” features photographer interviews and chronicles the creation of some of his images. In addition Jim can be followed on Twitter and FriendFeed.

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Jim Goldstein
Jim Goldstein

is a San Francisco based professional photographer. An author as well as a photographer Jim has been published in numerous publications including Outdoor Photographer, Digital Photo Pro, Popular Photography and has self-published a PDF eBook Photographing the 4th Dimension – Time covering numerous slow shutter techniques. His latest work and writing can be found on his JMG-Galleries blog and on 500px

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