It’s that time again. Canon has announced their newest in the 5D line-up – the 5DS and the 5DS R. At a whopping 50.6 megapixels and starting prices rumoured around $3699 and $3899 respectively – are you taking the plunge?
People were all gaga over the EOS 7D MarkII and headed out in droves to pre-order one for themselves. I know several people personally who picked one up – either as an upgrade or as a backup to their full frame body.
So the question is – who is this camera designed for? Clearly it’s for the professional photographer who needs maximum sharpness and detail. Have a look at this video from Canon to see if it’s for you:
The main difference he mentions between the two new models is the removal of the anti-aliasing filter from the 5DS R. That means even more sharpness.
There are also many similarities to the 5D MarkIII that users of that camera will find familiar such as: body design and layout of controls, same 61-point focusing system, and it even uses the same battery pack which is refreshing. Yay for once you don’t need yet another battery and charger!
For an outside opinion on the new cameras, see what Matt Granger had to say in this video:
So I ask you these questions:
- How many megapixels is too many? Opening the RAW file as 16-bit gives you approximately a 288mg file.
- What is the advantage of these cameras over a large sensor medium format camera?
- If you buy this camera will you likely need a computer upgrade to handle the processing power needed for such large files? Never mind massive amounts of more memory cards.
- Are you interested in this or is it way out of your league? Is it a wish list item for “one day”?
Tell me in the comments below. I personally own the 5D MarkIII and am NOT considering getting one for myself. Perhaps if I were doing commercial studio product work still I might – but then I’d likely already have a medium format like many of my commercial photographer friends.
Let’s talk, is this for you?