Facebook Pixel What Kind of Digital Camera and Gear Do You Use?

What Kind of Digital Camera and Gear Do You Use?

“What Digital Camera do you use?”

It’s a question that I get asked a lot any time that I mention I run a photography website or meet anyone who shares my passion for photography.

So today I’d like to ask YOU what camera you use and what other accessories are a part of your regular kit. I also thought I’d kick things off with a quick exploration of my own photography kit.

My Digital Camera Kit

Camera Bodies:

What Kind of Digital Camera and Gear Do You Use?

I have been using Canon DSLRs since I first upgraded from a point and shoot digital camera a number of years ago.

Canon EOS 5D (pictured left) – this is my primary body and I use it 95% of the time unless I need something lighter, compact, with an inbuilt flash and/or need a backup body. It has everything I need in a DSLR although I do sometimes look at some of the newer Canon bodies with auto dust reduction and faster burst mode and wish my 5D had features in those areas.

Canon EOS 20D – my first ever DSLR and still a great camera. It’s handy to have this one around. As I mention above it’s lighter and more compact than the 5D and has an inbuilt flash. It’s also handy to have a camera that doesn’t have a full frame sensor. Of course the 20D has been somewhat superseded by the 30D and 40D from Canon – but still takes a lovely shot.

Leica D-Lux 3 – I picked this up recently before a trip oversees when I knew a DSLR wasn’t really something that I could fit into my luggage (I was packing VERY light). I’d always wanted a Leica so decided to lash out. It’s a good camera although not as compact as some point and shoots out there. I also realized how spoilt I’ve become to have a DSLR with the ability to use a speedlight flash at night. I was a little disappointed with evening shots – but in well lit conditions it’s excellent.


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Darren Rowse
Darren Rowse

is the editor and founder of Digital Photography School and SnapnDeals.

He lives in Melbourne Australia and is also the editor of the ProBlogger Blog Tips. Follow him on Instagram, on Twitter at @digitalPS or on Google+.

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