Facebook Pixel Discover the Secrets to These 11 Special Effects Images: New eBook

Discover the Secrets to These 11 Special Effects Images: New eBook

NewImageToday we’re launching a new dPS eBook that I suspect is going to give a lot of our readers hours of fun while playing with their digital cameras.

It’s called Photo Magic: Special Effects Photography Made Easy – an eBook by Neil Creek.

As an Early Bird special you can grab it today at 25% off (just $15 USD).

Over the years we’ve published thousands of tutorials here on dPS – many of which are on topics like Portraiture, Landscapes, Macro and Street Photography.

However some of our most popular tutorials over the last few years have been when our authors have submitted teaching on how to do ‘trick’ or ‘special effects’ shots.

As a result, I’ve long wanted to publish an eBook on Special Effects Photography and recently asked one of our regular authors – Neil Creek – if he’d like to write it.

Neil was an obvious choice to author this eBook, he’s a Professional Photographer, experienced photography educator and he’s one of those guys who always seems to be working on a new technique for taking photos with that WOW factor.

11 Fun Special Effects Photography Projects to Master

In Photo Magic Neil walks you through 11 photography special effects. In each case he shows you a photo he’s taken and then will walk you through the steps he went through to take the shot.

This is the perfect eBook for those weekends when you’re looking for something fun to do. Tackle each technique in turn and over the coming months you’ll have some spectacular images in your portfolio and will also have learned some new skills that you can then build upon to create your own special effects.

Here’s just some of the shots Neil will walk you through taking.


Get full details on what’s included in this eBook here or order your copy at 25% off by clicking the download button below.


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Darren Rowse
Darren Rowse

is the editor and founder of Digital Photography School.

He lives in Melbourne Australia and also runs a newsletter on adapting vintage lenses to modern digital cameras called Old Glass New Light.

Follow him on Instagram or on Threads.

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