Facebook Pixel Poll: What Kind of Photography do You do?

Poll: What Kind of Photography do You do?

It’s been a while since we asked your opinion on something or had a poll so I thought I’d bring this one back again to see if there’s any change from last time we asked this question.

So tell us what kind of photography do you do most often? I’ve set it up so you can pick up to two options from the list so pick the two that you do the most frequently. If you do another kind of photography that isn’t listed select Other and tell us in the comments section.

By participating in polls like this it helps us understand the kinds of articles that you would most like to see on dPS. So please take a moment to fill it in and tell us more about you.

In July 2013 we asked the same question and we’ve had over 55,000 responses since then. These are the results from 2013, let’s see how it compares to now:


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Darlene Hildebrandt
Darlene Hildebrandt

is an educator who teaches aspiring amateurs and hobbyists how to improve their skills through free articles on her website Digital Photo Mentor and online photography classes. She also teaches all about photo editing using Lightroom, Photoshop, and Luminar Neo and has courses available on all three.

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