Facebook Pixel What Kind of Digital Camera and Gear Do You Use?

What Kind of Digital Camera and Gear Do You Use?

“What Digital Camera do you use?”

It’s a question that I get asked a lot any time that I mention I run a photography website or meet anyone who shares my passion for photography.

So today I’d like to ask YOU what camera you use and what other accessories are a part of your regular kit. I also thought I’d kick things off with a quick exploration of my own photography kit.

My Digital Camera Kit

Camera Bodies:

What Kind of Digital Camera and Gear Do You Use?

I have been using Canon DSLRs since I first upgraded from a point and shoot digital camera a number of years ago.

Canon EOS 5D (pictured left) – this is my primary body and I use it 95% of the time unless I need something lighter, compact, with an inbuilt flash and/or need a backup body. It has everything I need in a DSLR although I do sometimes look at some of the newer Canon bodies with auto dust reduction and faster burst mode and wish my 5D had features in those areas.

Canon EOS 20D – my first ever DSLR and still a great camera. It’s handy to have this one around. As I mention above it’s lighter and more compact than the 5D and has an inbuilt flash. It’s also handy to have a camera that doesn’t have a full frame sensor. Of course the 20D has been somewhat superseded by the 30D and 40D from Canon – but still takes a lovely shot.

Leica D-Lux 3 – I picked this up recently before a trip oversees when I knew a DSLR wasn’t really something that I could fit into my luggage (I was packing VERY light). I’d always wanted a Leica so decided to lash out. It’s a good camera although not as compact as some point and shoots out there. I also realized how spoilt I’ve become to have a DSLR with the ability to use a speedlight flash at night. I was a little disappointed with evening shots – but in well lit conditions it’s excellent.


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Darren Rowse
Darren Rowse

is the editor and founder of Digital Photography School.

He lives in Melbourne Australia and also runs a newsletter on adapting vintage lenses to modern digital cameras called Old Glass New Light.

Follow him on Instagram or on Threads.

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