Today Peter Carey explores different photo storage options for when you are traveling.
It’s very easy today to take more pictures in a single week long vacation than ever imagined possible ten years ago. For one thing, not many people had digital cameras ten years ago and those that did had a lot of problems with ample, cheap storage. Compact Flash and SD cards weren’t as inexpensive and voluminous as they are today. And yet today, images coming directly out of the camera can regularly exceed 10MB or more.
As I see it, there are two main paths to take when a vacation is planned and the camera will be tagging along. Either purchase more memory cards or purchase a digital storage device. I’d like to take a look at both options and lay down some pros and cons to help you decide which path might be right for you.
Portable Storage Devices
Portable Storage Devices(PSD) are what their name describes; a harddrive in a case that lets you transfer storage card data without a computer, and is easy to carry around. Most of these devices a bit bigger than an iPod (you can even use and iPod with an adapter), weigh less than two pounds and range in price from $100-$400.

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