In this post Christina from Christina Nichole Photogrpahy reviews the Canon Powershot G10.
In a bind about what to pick up for your family for Christmas? Pick up the Canon Powershot G10 and look no further.
While traveling with IPS in gorgeous wilderness of New Zealand this November, I found myself in the most unfortunate of circumstances. My faithful Canon Mark II N was suddenly having major problems. Unable to drop my camera off for repair, I pondered what I was going to do.
It happened that one day, my group happened in on a little photo store to get some photos printed. One of the other instructors was browsing the displays and suddenly became wide-eyed in wonderment. “They have the Canon G10.” He breathed. “Fully manual, 14megapixel, first RAW 14 MP enabled camera on the market. You can even use external flashes with it!”
My ears perked up as the owner walked toward us. He laughed. “Yeah, every time I get an order in, the merchandise is gone within hours. They sell fast.”
That’s all I needed to hear. 24 hours later, I was in possession of the Canon Powershot G10.
For the rest of my trip to New Zealand and Fiji, I used the G10 constantly [My Mark II only used for critical shooting events and portrait sessions]. Each day I became more and more enamored with the quality and accessibility of this little camera.
What makes the G10 so special?
For roughly $450, this digicam is equipped with all the full manual features of an SLR, minus the lens swapping [though Canon does have an adapter for extra zoom].
- Hard case body
- Features in style of a retro SLR
- 14.5 Mega pixels
- RAW shooting ability [now compatible to Lightroom]
- Fully Manual [with the ability to set shutter speed, aperture, white balance, ISO, flash, etc.]
- Fully Automatic [there are 27 shooting modes]
- Usable with Canon external flashes
- Video capable [with sweet recording quality … even while standing in the middle of the Fijian ocean].
I must admit, now that my Mark II is out of the shop, I’m going to have a hard time putting down my G10. In fact, for non-professional uses, the slim, lightweight, and accessible, G10 is what I’m going to throw in my sling bag from now on.
Get a Price – Amazon Currently has the Canon Powershot G10 on special at 18% off.
Updated for accuracy.

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