Peter Carey gives his impressions and a review of a simple and inexpensive GPS Data Logger, handy for geotagging images.
I freely admit to being something of a gadget geek. And as such, I’m always on the lookout for justification for acquiring cool new gadgets. This week’s acquisition is an Amod GPS Photo Data Logger with bundled software to help geotag photos. If you’re new to geotagging, check out this Digital Photography School article by Collin Spencer entitled How to Geotag Images where he explains the how and why.
My main reason for grabbing this fairly inexpensive device ($70US at an upcoming trip to Nepal. I’ll be trekking for a total of 19 days and would love to have my photos marked with location data for possible use in mapping. I’ve fiddled with it before and posted some photos on my Smugmug account which will show geotagged photos, but I don’t want to have to carry around my large GPS on this trip. Part of me wants to be without gadgets this trip and part of me wants to bring them all, so the Amod is my attempt at a compromise. The Amod device seems to fit the bill as not complicated, but still techy enough to get the job done. This then is an out of the box, day 1 review of the Amod AGL 3080 GPS Data Logger in use for geotagging.
The box the logger shipped in is pretty spartan. It contained the logger in plastic wrap, a USB cable, keeper strap and a CD. Except for the CD, they probably could have fit all of this in a large box of kitchen matches. The device requires 3 AAA batteries (not included) and then it’s time to start playing!

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