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20 Photography Tips from Our Twitter Followers

Twitter-1Last week I asked some DPS readers who follow this blog via Twitter (our account is here) to share some of their photography tips with us.

The catch was that they had to do it in 140 characters or less (the limit that Twitter allows per message). Here’s a collection of 20 of their photography tips:

  1. “I would recommend any serious photographer a Tripod. It’s indispensable for any photography & most if your hands won’t stay still” – maniar
  2. “don’t spend your time looking at the lcd screen…you end up missing fantastic moments. The pictures will still be there later!” – burks
  3. “Shoot in RAW mode if your camera has it. Offers so many more opportunities for editing than shooting in JPEG” – PattyHankins
  4. “don’t just stand there. Instead of moving the camera, move yourself…” – XmasB
  5. “Always remove the lens cover.” – fireeducator
  6. “Get closer to the object.” – Celebtur
  7. “Expensive equipment don’t make great photos. Great photographers do.” – quicklunarcop
  8. “Fill the Frame” – ebradlee10
  9. “shoot the magic hours(!!); remember the exposure triangle; look for a new/unique angle on your subject. :-)” – laepelba
  10. “Keep taking photos, look at your photos, then take more photos. Learn from your mistakes and don’t be afraid to experiment.” – NeilCreek
  11. “You can’t take a photo without a camera so always carry one – even if you don’t get a great shot you had a chance at getting it.” – HelenBradley
  12. “Learn to expose and light correctly the first time using JPEG – at the highest quality, saves time and work later. no RAW needed” – woodmike
  13. “For portraits: fill the frame with your subject!” – onedadslife
  14. “Relax, take your time and get the shot you want.” – mvern78
  15. “just get out there & shoot…learn your camera =)” – docm2b
  16. “it’s the archer, not the arrow.” – Supermassive
  17. “keep your batteries charged because you never know when you might want to use the camera to get that special shot” – StuartL
  18. “assuming digital, you can never take enough shots” – d0rk4l
  19. “Shoot, shoot, shoot. (wish I followed this more often)” – Kellygrape
  20. “Understand the basic rules of composition, get a feel for them, apply them regularly – and break them occasionally!” – John1954Moi

What would you add? Leave your 140 character photography tip below.

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Darren Rowse
Darren Rowse

is the editor and founder of Digital Photography School.

He lives in Melbourne Australia and also runs a newsletter on adapting vintage lenses to modern digital cameras called Old Glass New Light.

Follow him on Instagram or on Threads.

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