Today we I have the pleasure of introducing you to an interesting photographer from the Czech Republic – Martin Stranka who has kindly agreed for us to showcase some of his work. He’s also included a little background information – I hope you enjoy it!
I was born in Most on Friday the thirteenth in April 1984, graduated high school in Litom??ice, where I lived more than 20 years and then I finished university in Prague in Czech Republic.
I was involved into photography since 2007, but I never studied it and I have been always self-taught myself. I perceive photography as an unique space located in a balance and serenity.
My work exist in that narrow space of a few seconds between dreaming and awakening.
During the last two years I gathered over twenty international photography awards. Some of them that I really appreciate the most are:
- Emerging Talent Award in Nikon Photo Contest International 2010-2011 with over than 60,000 entries
- Finalist of Sony World Photography Awards 2010 with over than 43.000 entries
- Directors Choice of Center International Awards with over than 6.000 entries
- 1st place in International Photo Award 2010; Finalist of Photographer Of The Year 2010, over 114.000 entries
- Artist of the week at The Saatchi Gallery and 3rd place in Digital Photographer of the Year Awards with over 300.000 entries.
My exhibitions were possible to see from South and North America, through whole Europe and to Asia. I love the smell of autumn, sparkling grains of dust floating in the sunset and the feeling when driving a car take out the windows of an open palm against the flow of air.
See more of Martin Stranka’s work at his Website and on his Facebook page.

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