Earlier today I was in conversation with a couple of photography enthusiasts and the topic turned – as it often does with these guys – to gear. Particularly new gear that has been released in the past few months and gear that is rumoured to being announced in the coming months.
One of my friends asked me – ‘what gear will you invest in in 2012?‘
It is a question I like to ponder and ‘research’ (read this is trawling the web for reviews of lenses and cameras when I should be working) from time to time.
I’m not sure what gear I’m intending to buy this year – I feel pretty comfortable with my current set up and probably spent a little too much on it in 2011 – but I thought I’d open the question up to the wider dPS community.
What gear do you intend to invest in for 2012?
Is it a new camera body, a lens, some lighting gear, an accessory? Tell us about what you’re eyeing off and why you’re considering it.
It’ll be interesting to see if any themes or trends emerge!

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