I’m getting a big jump on the end of year posts by diving right into what I believe is an important part of achieving what you want in life; making goals.
Goals give us a sense of direction especially when we are faced with days where our rudder has gone missing and distractions are high. For photography, I try to outline what I want to learn at the beginning of the year as well as other general photo goals. And the goal list does not need to be a static document. It should, in fact, be alive and constantly added to as new techniques and art forms are discovered by you.
I love the collaborative utility of the DPS community and as much as I enjoy writing for it, I also love learning from it. Reading DPS has turned me on to techniques and concepts which had never crossed my mind. The information contained on this site has also help me understand concepts in a different way and for that I am thankful.
Looking ahead to the coming year, what are your goals, photographically speaking, for 2012? We’ll even throw in the month of December, 2011, as a bonus.
To start things off, I would list:
- Learn HDR techniques I’ll actually use. I’ve avoided it for the most part, but come across enough situations when it would be helpful to employ.
- Design and execute concepts with neutral density filters. I have a number of ideas in my head of what I want, now’s the time to get them shot.
- Employ a flash when traveling more often. I know I can pull more character out of certain scenes if I’m using an off-camera flash, but I’ve been hesitant to lug one around.
- Help others improve their photography. This is always on my list and something I earnestly love. Knowledge is more valuable when shared.
- Get my hands on a medium format camera and play. I had one in the days of film, now I’d like to see what the digital world holds for this format.
In the comments section below, please list any photo goals you have for 2012.
Who knows, some might even be turned into DPS blog posts to help you learn!

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