Facebook Pixel Using Lightroom's 'edit in photoshop' feature
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Using Lightroom’s ‘edit in photoshop’ feature

I think my heart must’ve skipped a little beat when I happened to catch that ‘edit in > photoshop’ option when I was first getting to know and love Lightroom. This was also the same time at which I was falling in love with layer editing, applying textures and other ways to fab up your photos in Photoshop. And even though LR doesn’t have all the capabilities of PS, you can have the best of both worlds with this feature.

There’s a video below to actually show you how to use ‘edit in photoshop’ in LR3, but if you’re already pretty sure about what you’re doing in LR, here are the steps:

  1. Right click on your image and select ‘edit in > photoshop’. It will allow you to select from whatever PS version(s) you have installed, for example mine lets me choose PS4 or PSE.
  2. Your image will open in Photoshop. Now, these are very speed/space hogging programs. Your computer might not be configured to run both programs side-by-side but give it a go and see what happens!
  3. Edit away. When you’re done, just click ‘save’ and then when you toggle back to LR, it’ll be there!

Note: I’ve experimented a bit to see if there’s a way to do this and save on space by closing down LR as soon as the image opens in PS. It seems that you have to actually have both programs running side-by-side for the image to pop up when you toggle back into LR after the edit.

Using Lightroom's 'edit in photoshop' feature

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Elizabeth Halford
Elizabeth Halford

is a photographer and advertising creative producer in Orlando, FL. She wrote her first article for dPS in 2010. Her most popular one racked up over 100k shares!

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