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Photo Magic – Special Effects Photography Made Easy!

Photomagic_coverAYou Don’t Have to be a Pro to Take Spectacular Special Effects Images

As a photographer chances are you’ve tried your hand at a few special effects. If you’re like most, the creative concepts in your mind were much more impressive than the end result!

Instead of trying to figure it out yourself, what if you could learn the tricks of a true Photo Magician?

  • You’ll immediately have a collection of photography tricks up your sleeve.
  • Your creative ideas can be backed up by some new special effect photography skills.
  • Magic will happen!  We guarantee it.

Photo Magic will step you though how to create unique (and amazing) special effect images of your own. The type of photos your friends and family just won’t believe you took!

You can download the eBook immediately for just $19.99 .


11 Photography Special Effects explained Step by Step.

In this eBook 11 specific special effects are broken down so you can re-create the scene yourself, then Neil will explore new options to kick start your photography creativity.

zoomeffectZoom Effect

Add a dynamic zoom effect with a slow shutter speed, and learn a super charged variation using your flash.

360panorama360 Panorama

A spherical 360 degree panorama puts you there by showing the whole world from a particular viewpoint.

aperture_masksAperture Masks

Create a romantic, magical or cool background for your night portraits with aperture masks.

flour_hairflickFlour Hair Flick

Half a cup of flour, add three lights and flick hair vigorously for this dramatic action shot.

lightpainting_sparklersLight Painting Sparklers

Sparklers, a sci-fi schoolgirl and some really nifty colour and light tricks create this dynamic light painted photo.

lightpainting_steelwoolLight Painting Steel Wool

Stars twinkling above and fire sparking below lights up the beach in a dramatic combination shot.

littleworldLittle World

Starting with a panorama, create whole planets with this super distorted, super fun effect.

mixing_ambient_flashMixing Ambient and Flash

Capture and freeze motion in the same shot for a striking effect by mixing flash and continuous light.

multiple_exposuresMultiple Exposures

If two are twice the fun, eleven clones are a party! This multiple exposure technique is a unique way to tell a story.

startrailsStar Trails

Capture the majesty of the night sky as it spins eternally overhead with this surprisingly accessible star trail technique.

waterdropletWater Droplets

Natures little lenses create many images with this technique to get you started using water refraction in your photography.



What Sort of Camera and Gear will you Need?

If you own a DLSR then you’re covered.  The panorama effect does require a little bit of extra gear and the zoom effect needs a zoom lens – all of which is  detailed in the book.  Micro four third cameras will be equally well served by this book — you’ll be able to follow all effects.  Some of the shots can even be created with a compact, and there’s even a smart phone version of the panorama.  But I’d say you’re going to get the most from this book it your camera has a manual mode.

Meet our Magician – Neil Creekcreek-130510-055_square

If you’re a dPS regular then Neil probably needs little introduction.  The author of the incredibly popular dPS Photo Nuts Series, Neil is a photographer with ten years experience and a passion for teaching. He has helped tens of thousands of people improve their photography with his three ebooks, successful video training course, photography workshops and years of photography blogging.

Neil has a talent for taking difficult to understand concepts, and making them accessible. He also loves to experiment with creativity in photography, pushing the boundaries of what can be done with the camera, making him the perfect author to teach special effects photography.

Our Guarantee to you that this eBook will be a Great Investment

At dPS we believe in creating products that deliver on what they promise.  We’ve shared books with hundreds of thousands photographers at all levels and we stand behind the quality of our products.  If you’re not satisfied that Photo Magic has helped to improve your  photography within 60 days, just let us know, and we’ll refund your money in full – no questions asked.

That’s how confident we are that you’ll love this eBook.

Still not Sure if this is the eBook for You?

Then you might like to read this special note from Neil to help you decide.

Photography is a creative pursuit. Capturing an image as it appears to the eye is only one way, and possibly the less fun way to create photos. Like any other tools, the tools of photography can be used in limitless ways to push the boundaries of creativity, and some of the most striking images are made when those tools are used in ways their original inventors could never have imagined. Such is the way with special effects photography.

SFX photography is a huge and complex topic and there are many different ideas and many different ways to create them. Rather than try and be a comprehensive guide to every kind of SFX photography (an impossible task), this book focuses on 11 different shoots, each one providing a detailed look at one particular photo and how it was created.

The purpose of this is to give you an immediate example of a SFX shot and show you in detail how the effect was achieved. I will give you everything you need to know to re-create that shot yourself, and introduce you to the concepts with a real practical example.

Building on what is discussed in each photo shoot, I’ll then expand on the technique and show you other variations and images to get your creative juices flowing so that you can try the ideas yourself and take what you have learned and expand on it. Naturally, this isn’t the only or even the best way to create these effects, but using them as a starting point you can launch yourself into the world of SFX photography.

I hope you enjoy it as much as I did putting if together for you.

Neil Creek.

Ready to create incredible images that will have your friends asking “How did you do that?!”? Pick up a copy today.
