Photography Tips & Tutorials
It's the most wonderful time of the year! For some people that is Christmas, but for other's it means that...
The way you frame a photo is an important part of the composition. There are several key decisions to make...
I am more than a little obsessed with capturing and preserving memories for my family. We have a photo wall...
Over the past few days, I've thought about what's helped me become a better photographer over the years. It's a constant...
Underwater photography is so much fun that it will take you to the farthest reaches of the world, inspire you...
Are you scared yet? You should be - because this collection of images is straight out of a horror movie,...
Gina has a new dPS ebook just released - Portraits: After the Shot - check out out! The style of side...
Company parties. Special galas. Nonprofit fundraisers. When someone asks you to shoot one of these events, you aren't exactly leaping...
This is a shot I did on my own for my portfolio. In other words, it was unpaid. Who am...
An eye for composition is one of the things that elevates the work of the best photographers above the rest....
While it takes time to master the technical skills needed to excel at street photography, I think the most difficult aspect...
When I started out as a photographer, I had a lot of fun and luck with connecting with vendors to...
Whenever I teach, I get a lot of requests to review images. Over time, I’ve started to notice that a...
You are out photographing a landscape. You have a nice foreground and background in the frame, and you want as...
A collection of photos that make splash - literally! As summer comes to a close in the northern parts of...
In my former life, before becoming a photography teacher full-time, I worked in the public schools, teaching elementary students and...
After I had written my article about juxtaposition and contrast I realized that one of the photos also perfectly illustrated...
Blurring is a Tool, Not a Gimmick Adding blur or movement to a photo just for the sake of it...
A common misconception about street photography is that it is that it is about capturing any person that looks slightly...
You would probably love to have ideal lighting conditions for every shoot, especially if you are strictly an outdoor, natural light...
I'm always amazed when I take professional head shots how every photo shoot presents different challenges. That's the beauty, and...
If you post amazing professional-quality photographs to your website and nobody can access them, are they really that amazing? Nobody...
It's fall in the northern hemisphere. The sun is lower in the sky and dusk is earlier and earlier. Time...
How many times have you had this interaction? “This photo is beautiful!” “Thanks!” End of conversation. There's nothing wrong with...