Everyone has a camera nowadays. If you have a smartphone, you have a camera. Many of them take great photos, full of color and clarity. But what can you do to take your smartphone photography to the next level? Here are 3 videos with some tips to help you out.
7 Smartphone Photography Tips & Tricks
In this video from Serge Ramelli, you get some practical and easy to apply tips to help you elevate your smartphone photography.
The 101 of Smartphone Photography from COOPH
Here are a few more ideas from the crew over at COOPH who consisting have great video tips.
9 Smartphone photography tips from B&H Photo Video
Finally, here are 9 more tips from Larry Becker and B&H Photo Video.
If you still haven’t gotten enough tips for better smartphone photography here are some dPS articles to help:
- 9 of the Best Apps to Help You Do Awesome Mobile Phone Photography
- 9 More Great Apps You Need for Your Smartphone
- How to Get Stunning Macro Photos with Your Mobile Phone
- Lightroom Mobile – The Secret to Shooting and Editing on Your Smartphone
- Review: Struman Lenses for Mobile Phones