Today I’d like to do something a little different and want to invite you – our wonderful reader community – to introduce yourself and tell us a little about your photography.
It struck me yesterday when I was telling someone about dPS that each month over 4 million people read the tutorials, receive the newsletters and interact in the forum here at dPS – yet while we do hear from a lot of you each month there are many more that we’re yet to get to know.
It’s great to know so many people visit the site – but when I started dPS it was for individuals, real people who were passionate about photography and learning to get the most from their cameras. The goal was to get to you know and for you to get to know one another….
So lets do just that. In the comments below I’d love you to introduce yourself (as much as you feel comfortable). To do so, tell us some (or all) of the following:
- Your name (or a nickname if you go by an alias online)
- What country you live in
- How long you’ve been doing photography
- What type of photography you focus upon most (ie: portrait, landscape, sports, family life etc)
- What kind of gear you use (and perhaps what your first ever camera was)
- A link or two to your photoblog, Flickr Account, Instagram user name (show us where we can see your work)
- Perhaps a link to your favourite photo
- A tip for our community – something you’ve learned about photography in the last year
- A challenge or problem that you’d like to overcome in your photography
- Anything else that you’d like to tell us.
- If you feel comfortable doing so – you might also like to add a self portrait of yourself (either leaving the image in the comment or just linking to one on your blog/flickr account).
My home is that this little exercise might help us as the dPS team to get to know you but also for our community to get to know each other so that we can continue to make our site better and better.
Some Older Comments