Today I’d like to introduce you to South African photographer Sybrand Cillié who has agreed to answer a few questions for us about his photography.
How did you first get into photography?
I’ve always had an interest in photography, but could never afford to really learn the craft shooting film. Just over 5 years ago I blew a whole months salary on a digital (point and shoot) camera and immediately fell in love with photography. A few months later I bought a 20D and from there everything snowballed to where I am today. I’ve now been a full time photographer for about 4 and a half years.
What do you know now that you wish you knew when you started?
hmmmm difficult one… I would say ‘learning how to properly bounce on camera flash’. I used direct flash for way too long.
What type of camera do you use most?
My main body at the moment is a Canon 1D mk4 – I love everything about it – the high ISO capabilities; super fast and accurate focus; the high frame rate and it’s built like a tank.
What is your favorite lens?
Another difficult one…. I would say my 17-40mm F4 L – I just love shooting wide. (My most used lens however the 24-70 F2.8 L)
Could you share a favorite recent image and tell us a little of the back story behind it?
Looking at the photo (above) it simply looks like a car going really fast. What makes the image so special for me is that the guy driving is BLIND and going 320km/h (200MPH) – He set a new Guinness World Record for a blind person.
I had the honour to spend a few days with this amazing man and witness this historic event. Read the whole story here.
Do you have a tip for beginner to intermediate photographers that will help them improve their photography?
The best advice I can give you is to learn how to shoot in Manual mode – not just how to get the little light meter in the middle to 0EV but actually learning to read the LCD/histogram on the back of your camera. Yes it’s difficult at first, but once you’ve got it, you are in TOTAL control and I promise you’ll never go back!

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