Facebook Pixel Professional Fashion Photo Results with an iPhone 3gs

Professional Fashion Photo Results with an iPhone 3gs

Have you ever felt that your digital camera is holding you back and that if only you could afford to buy the latest and greatest DSLR that your images would get that ‘Pro’ look that everyone strives for?

If you feel that way – you’re not alone. I hear those types of comments all the time. If that’s you – the following video is one you need to view. It’s about trying to get great results – shooting with…. an iPhone 3Gs.

The video is from the team at fstoppers. It’s creator, Lee Morris, explains:

“I created this video to simply show that you should not be limited by your camera. Obviously there was a lot that went into this shoot including a professional model, hair and makeup, a studio, lighting, and a retoucher. We may create another video in the future where we shoot with only natural light but this video is simply about the camera. There are so many photographers who are obsessed with noise, sharpness, color, dynamic range, megapixels, chromatic aberration, moire, distortion, etc. So many photographers get wrapped up in the technical side that they forget how to take compelling images. This video is for them.”

Check out some of the images taken in this photo shoot here (both edited in photoshop and unedited versions).
Yes – the images were taken with pro lighting in a great studio, with a great model who was professionally made up… and the images were photoshopped – but so are most pro shots taken with a top end DSLR. Food for thought!

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Darren Rowse
Darren Rowse

is the editor and founder of Digital Photography School.

He lives in Melbourne Australia and also runs a newsletter on adapting vintage lenses to modern digital cameras called Old Glass New Light.

Follow him on Instagram or on Threads.

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