As I’m sitting here preparing for tomorrow’s wedding, I’ve got many last-minute reminders popping up in my iBrain. What 7 things am I thinking about the day before a wedding?
1. Call your bride to confirm the details you decided upon when you had your face-to-face. These should be written down. Confirm where you will be meeting and the time. Don’t throw too many questions at her. That’s why everything’s in writing. Besides, she’s got the flower company on the other line.
2. Go over your check list and made sure you’ve got everything packed up. Brides don’t wait to walk down the aisle so you can run to the gas station for a pack of AAAs. A couple things you might not think to bring:
- The signed paperwork and contract. You might need to refer to these at least once
- A snack
- An extra camera just incase. Even if you have to borrow a friend’s.
3. Charge your batteries and pack the charger. You can never be too prepared. Change the batteries in your flash whether they’re out or not. It’s better to not be fumbling while they’re walking down the aisle.
4. Close your eyes and run through the day in your head. Include gently approaching the priest/officiant before the ceremony to introduce yourself and ask if there are any rules you should know. Imagine how you will deal with unanticipated events like divorced parents who refuse to take a photo together or the schedule getting totally out of hand and a portion of the photography plans getting ruined in the process. What would you say? How would you feel? I know these seem like doom and gloom, but they do happen from time to time.
5. Check the weather forecast. In England, it rains when it wants to no matter what the weather man said. Try to anticipate how you will handle weather that doesn’t respect the plan.
6. Lay out your clothes. Black is a pretty safe colour. It’s professional and understated. Don’t wear clip-cloppy shoes that will make noise as you tiptoe around the ceremony. Ladies, don’t wear a dress unless you’ve got leggings! You will be crouching down and you don’t want to be thinking about wardrobe malfunctions. Strangely, I recommend wearing heels if you have appropriate ones. I have my black ‘wedding boots’ from Clarks which are made to last in comfort all day with quiet rubber heels. I wear them because with my heels elevated, I can easily and quickly squat for a low shot (my favourite POV) without having achy legs for days. Unlike little kids, we can’t squat without balancing on the balls of our feet (how do they do that?!) .
7. Get inspired. Soak in some of your favourite wedding photography. Drop a folder into your iPod or iPhone or print a little cheat sheet just to jog your memory if you start feelin’ a little stale for ideas.
That’s all I’m thinking of today. What do YOU think about the day before a wedding?
Table of contents
Wedding Photography
- Preparing For a Wedding – The Day Before

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