My first post ever here was on being a Momarazzo and my tips for aspiring parent photographers (trying to invent a nickname for us).
Parentgraphers? Photogrents? Still working on that….watch this space). My tips for photographing children aren’t isolated to those few I shared with you in that first post. I’d like to continue to share as I continue to discover.
{1. Playground reflections} I wrote a post recently about the use of reflectors. Before I ever dreamed of being a ‘real photographer’ (whatever that means), I made this grand discovery that photographs taken on the huge silver metal slide at our local playground were amazing because the slide reflected the light! I seriously thought I’d made some ground breaking discovery. I later came to understand about the ways to reflect the light to achieve a beautifully lit face, but I still love to get the kids on the slide.
{2. P.O.V.} Try a different point of view. It can add an edge to otherwise same-same photo situations and give your kid shots a whole new life of their own.
{3. Forced Perspective} Forced perspective photography is that which forces a subject to look larger or smaller than it is in reality. This can be especially rewarding with children because it can make use of the irony of how small they actually are compared to their ‘co-subjects’. I love this snap of my son and husband. Just makes fun of the fact that he totally thinks he’s in charge!
{4. Not just the kids} Parents out there know there is never a lack of art projects for which we must find a home – a final resting place. I’ve only recently discovered the joy of photographing, not only them, but their art. It preserves it long after it has gone and takes away from the guilt on inevitably trashing it while they’re not looking. When I photograph my sons’ art, it makes them feel proud and encouraged that I think what they’re doing is important and I really love the results of thinking outside the box when photographing objects.

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