Check out our new eBook – CLICK! How to Take Beautiful Photos of Your Children
Last week’s first community workshop went really well with some great discussion from readers. So lets do it again.
This week’s question is about photographing children (a topic I know that many of our readers have experience in) and it comes from Alex B who ask:
This Week’s Question
“My brother and sister-in-law have asked me to do a photo shoot with my nephew and niece (aged 6 and 9) and I’m a little nervous about doing it as I don’t have children of my own and haven’t photographed kids before.
Would you be able to give me some advice? I have a few questions.
I have a Nikon D40 with a kit lens and was thinking of buying one of the alternative lenses you mentioned a couple of weeks ago. Which would be best?
Also, any suggestions on how to get the children feeling comfortable with me. Last time I photographed them the shots ended up looking quite posed and the kids didn’t look that relaxed?
Any other tips on photographing kids would be greatly appreciated.”
Got a Tip to Share?
Now it’s over to you. What advice would you give Alex on photographing children? I’m looking forward to hearing your tips.
If you have a question that you’d like to ask the Digital Photography School readership for advice on – shoot me an email.

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