Photocrati is not only a great site to find WordPress template for photographers, the company also believes in promoting photography’s potential to bring about positive change. To that end, they have set up the Photocrati Fund and each year hold a competition to award a grant to one skilled photographer. Notice I didn’t say ‘lucky’? That’ because this competition is a judged affair, with last year’s judges being Steve McCurry, Michael “Nick” Nichols and Art Wolfe (this year’s judges have not been announced).
The competition this year is open to professional photographers and emerging photographers who are making a career of photography. If you have been working at photography part time and wishing for something to help you make it a professional career, this might be the ticket you need! The prize is $5000 to fund a project of your making for at least a month. They are looking for projects that specifically help in the area of important humanitarian and environmental photography projects.
By no means will the competition be easy and you will be required to write a concise one page for entry explaining your project, how it will help and what you will be doing with the funds. One page may not seem like much but this (along with a link to a web gallery) is your only chance to impress the judges. As the entry information notes, take your time and edit your entry harshly. Have a friend who is excellent in writing look it over for content, style and spelling.
The deadline for entry is April 1st, 2011. More information on the specifics can be found on the Photocrati Fund website. Good Luck!! err….I mean Good Skill!!!

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