You’ve been reading their articles for months or years. Have you ever wondered: “Who are the photographers who write for dPS”? Today meet New York State photographer Rick Berk.
1. How long have you been shooting?
I’ve been shooting since 1992, so about 21 years now.
2. Do you have a full time job or are you a full time photographer?
I have a full time job within the photo industry, but my full time job is not that of a photographer, if that makes any sense. I photograph for my own creative outlet, and as a part time job on the side. Part time, I photograph weddings and portraits, and I shoot landscapes as a creative outlet. I have a website set up to sell my fine art work as well.
3. If you had to limit yourself to one genre of photography, what would it be and why?
Probably landscape photography. I love nature and the outdoors and love capturing nature’s beauty. And mountains never complain that you made them look fat!
4. When did you start writing for dPS and why?
I started writing for dPS in September, 2012. A friend saw that they were looking for writers and suggested I apply. I had taught photo seminars as part of my previous job and thought this would be a great way to continue to share my love for photography.
5. What do you shoot with and what is your favorite lens?
I shoot Canon gear. Right now my cameras of choice are the EOS-1D X and the EOS 5D Mark III. I’m not sure I can choose just one lens as my favorite. My favorite landscape lens is the EF 24mm f/1.4L II, but I also love the EF 14mm f/2.8L II. For portraits, I always go to the EF 85mm f/1.2L II.
6. What would be your number one tip to any new photographer?
Learn to do as much in camera as possible. I’m all for using Photoshop to complete the thought but there is a difference between “fixing” in Photoshop and enhancing in Photoshop. I would rather spend more time shooting and less time editing.
7. What’s your next big project?
I haven’t planned anything yet for 2013, but I will have at least one or two trips dedicated to photography. Right now I’m eyeing the Oregon coast, and possibly the Outer Banks of North Carolina.
8. Where can people go to find out more about you and your work?
My website.

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