This time of year is a great time to get out and find some macro photography subjects. So I dug around and found a few videos to help get you started if you want to try it.
Macro Photography by Matt Granger
First up is a lesson by Matt Granger as he teaches Tina (a new photographer) how to do macro photography. Follow along with her and try it yourself as they go through using a long zoom lens, hand held, natural light, adding flash, and using a tripod.
Getting sharper images
The second video is from Alessandro Zocchi he gives you a few tips to help you get sharper macro images.
Focus stacking
Lastly Peter Bargh covers a more advanced technique, focus stacking, which involves taking multiple shots focused at different points, and merging them later.
You can find the software he mentioned here:
You can also use Phototoshop if you have it. Read: How to Focus-Stack Macro Images using Photoshop for more on that technique. Check It’s a Small World – the World of Macro Photography if you need some subject ideas.
Have fun!