Facebook Pixel Lightroom Shortcuts Every Photographer Needs to Know [video]
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Lightroom Shortcuts Every Photographer Needs to Know [video]

In this awesome video by Lucy Martin, you’ll learn Lightroom shortcuts every photographer needs to know to make their editing workflow faster and more efficient.


The Lightroom shortcuts every photographer needs to know

Help make your editing process be more efficient and fast-paced so you can deliver your photos much quicker by knowing these shortcuts:

G – Grid view
E –  Loupeview
L –  Lights Out – (isolates your image against a black background for previewing)
P –  Pick (Flag)
x –  Reject
Caps Lock –  auto next
Cmd+Delete –  delete rejected
D –  Go to Develop
\ –  Before/After
Y –  Before/After Side by Side Comparison
V –  Black and White
R –  Resize and Rotate
Q –  Spot Removal Tool
H –  Hide adjustment Pins
Cmd+Z –  Undo last action
Cmd+C –  Copy Settings
Cmd+P –  Paste Settings
Cmd+/ –  Show all shortcuts

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Caz Nowaczyk
Caz Nowaczyk

– the dPS Managing Editor, lives in Wollongong, Australia and has worked as a photographer, filmmaker, and designer in her business, Exposure Arts and Media, for 15 years. Her background extends to Digital Content Management, and Editorial Design. In her spare time, she composes music as Dreamgirl and the Motorist. Since the age of 12, she knew she would be a photographer – the other stuff came as a surprise!

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