A review of “Lens Loop” by Wulf, one of our excellent forum moderators!
What is a Lens Loop? It is a replacement camera strap made the same kind of nylon webbing used for vehicle seatbelts with a sturdy clip-hook hanging off the bottom. It also comes with a metal hoop attached to a standard bolt to mount on the bottom of the camera. Rather than hanging round your neck, the strap slings across the shoulder with the camera resting against your hip until you swing it into action (see the video on the Lens Loop site for a demonstration and lots of pictures).
The idea appeals. I have had plenty of experience to prove that carrying a DSLR round your neck can be tiring. If I am in an intermediate phase between taking lots of pictures and putting the camera back in its bag, I often move the strap over my shoulder into a similar position that which the Lens Loop achieves but the standard camera strap is not ideal for this. It was easy enough to clip the Lens Loop in place and tie the existing strap out of the way (I was not committed enough to remove it entirely) so I went “over the shoulder” for a stroll round a local arboretum on the hunt for autumn colour.
How did it work out? Very successfully. The Lens Loop has been carefully manufactured so that the inside surface is smooth and it slides smoothly from the resting position to being ready for shooting. When you return the camera to resting position it hangs upside down and nestles against your hip so that, at a gentle walking pace, it isn’t even necessary to keep a hand on the camera at all times.
Any cons? It seems expensive for a bit of webbing and a few attachments and there are cheaper shoulder slung systems on the market. I have not tried those for comparison but the quality of the materials and stitching on the Lens Loop is excellent, allowing it to function as intended, so it is probably not unreasonable. You cannot use a tripod plate when you have the ring screwed adapter screwed into your camera but tripod plates do tend to have integral rings of their own and the hook does fit with mine. I think it would also be prudent to disconnect the strap before putting away as the idea of that brass hook floating around next to the LCD screen brings back too many memories of previous accidents with other gadget screens!
For me, the biggest drawback was that the regular strap got in the way. The regular strap is awkward to take off (and put on) but, having tested the concept, I have done just that and next time I go out with my camera it will be Lens Loop only.
Thumbs up for this one — a very contented 8/10 from me.
You can find out more about Wulf on his website

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