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Join Over a Quarter of a Million Photography Enthusiasts and Improve Your Photography Today

dPS newsletterOne of the most popular parts of dPS is our weekly newsletter. Each Thursday/Friday (depending where in the world you are) we send it off to 276,501 subscribers (that number is going up every minute or two as new people join).

The free weekly newsletter is:

  • a recap on the newest tips and tutorials from the last week on dPS
  • links to our latest assignments and competitions
  • suggestions on recommended resources (including the occasional discount offer)
  • a summary of some of the hottest threads of conversations and most popular images from our forum

In short it is the #1 way that people stay in touch with the latest info from dPS.

We know it’s important to people because if we’re even a little late with sending this newsletter out – we get ALOT of email asking where it is! 🙂

If you’re not already signed up – you can do so on our subscription page (where there are a variety of ways to connect with dPS outlined). The newsletter is free and we don’t share your details with anyone.

If you’re not sure if the newsletter is right for you – you can

see the full archive of newsletters (there are 114 of them since 2008) here or can view this last week’s newsletter here.

If you’re not already subscribed – join us today! If you know someone who should be subscribed – please this on to them too!

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Darren Rowse
Darren Rowse

is the editor and founder of Digital Photography School.

He lives in Melbourne Australia and also runs a newsletter on adapting vintage lenses to modern digital cameras called Old Glass New Light.

Follow him on Instagram or on Threads.

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