Facebook Pixel Happy Holidays 2020 From the dPS Team

Happy Holidays 2020 From the dPS Team

Happy Holidays from dPS

As 2020 draws to a close, we’d like to wish you all a fantastic holiday season and a joy-filled end to the year.

2020 hasn’t been easy, and it hasn’t been the year that any of us hoped for. But the light at the end of the tunnel is nearer than ever.

Here at Digital Photography School, we’d like to thank you – for being part of the dPS community, for supporting us through these difficult times, and for pursuing the marvelous adventure that is photography. We’re certainly excited to keep offering photography content in 2021, and we have some big things in store for you (so make sure to be on the lookout!).

As we approach 2021, we wish you health, happiness, and good light.

Here’s to a fulfilling holiday season and a happy New Year!

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Jaymes Dempsey
Jaymes Dempsey

is the Managing Editor of Digital Photography School, as well as a macro and nature photographer from Ann Arbor, Michigan. To learn how to take stunning nature photos, check out his free eBook, Mastering Nature Photography: 7 Secrets For Incredible Nature Photos! And to see more of Jaymes’s work check out his website and his blog.

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