Victor Bezrukov’s work is poetry. From his street photography to his images of everyday objects, Victor shoots with a rare sensitivity. Originally from Russia and living in Israel, Victor Bezrukov kindly answered a few questions for the dPS readers. I am very excited to share his thoughts on photography with you as well as some of his beautiful work. After you read this interview, make sure to check out more of his amazing photography on Google+ or on Redbubble.
1. When and how did you catch the photography bug?
It happened 7 years ago, when I felt the urge to express myself in a different way. Photography seemed the most appropriate way, so I started to make my first clicks with a very simple old point & shoot digital camera. My first attempt at photography was more of an exercise in inner concentration, I had to learn to relax. Actually it was more about relaxation and less about photography.
I loved the world that I saw through the viewfinder. As usual, it was completely different from the world that I saw when looking at my images, but it didn’t matter. The process was more important for me than the result.
2. What inspires you most?
It depends very much on my mood, the time of a day, the season and the weather. It may be music or the content of the book that I’m reading at the moment. Sometimes I’m inspired by a story or an interesting conversation. I am also inspired by the work of other photographers.
3. What is a typical day with your camera?
I always have my camera with me, a Canon 5d Mark II with a 50mm lens attached, additional battery, Lenspen, small flashlight (don’t ask me why ) and a few memory cards. So I don’t need a big bag and it feels very comfortable when I am walking all day. My job has nothing to do with photography so a small bag is something very important for me.
Recently I’ve been using my camera less and less during a typical work day. As I mentioned earlier, the camera was just a door to the world where I felt more relaxed, I think that its role is changing and now my camera only comes out of the bag if I see something that is really special or if I want to make a portrait of someone I find interesting.
4. What gear and processing software do you use?
After experimenting with different cameras, I have found the right gear for me. I shoot with a Canon 5dmkII and a 50mm lens everyday. I have a few additional lenses such as a 70-200 f/4 which is great for portraits and candid moments in the middle of the day and sometimes for landscapes. I also own a 24-70 f/2.8, I love this lens for landscapes and events. The 135mm f/2 is fantastic for low light situations when I need to compress the distance to subject. I also use the Lensbaby Composer optic. It’s a dreamy image creator. I can relax and unwind when I have it attached to my camera, it does all the work.
Other gear I use are a Pentax Spotmatic F 35mm analog camera with crazy Asahi 50mm f/1.4 lens and a Holga 120 analog camera. For post-processing I use Lightroom, less is more, exactly what I need!
5. Do you have an all-time favorite location or subject?
I think that subjects change with time, but the streets of Tel-Aviv and old Jaffa will always remain my favorite places to photograph. I walk those streets with my camera after work. All my friends know about my love for bicycles on urban streets. Bicycles compliment the parallel streets with their circles of wheels so well. And it’s only one example.
6. If you could pick one destination to visit anywhere in the world, just you and your camera, where would it be and why?
I have several destinations on my wish list which are just waiting for my visit. It’s not so simple to narrow it down to one destination when someone hasn’t left his country for many years. I travel across Israel almost every week. I’d say Ethiopia! I once planned a 12 days walking journey (yes it’s a long way on foot) in that country with a small group but the plans did not materialize due to different circumstances. There is still a chance I do it next year.
7. What is your next project or adventure?
I’m planning to build my small home-studio with lights, reflectors and all the needed attributes. These days I’m browsing on eBay in search for an old Medium Format camera.
One of my biggest dreams is to travel around the world and to photograph people from different walks of life while being in touch with a photo agency that would publish the work. Maybe one will read this!

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