Facebook Pixel dPS Weekly Photo Challenge – Sadness

dPS Weekly Photo Challenge – Sadness

Emotions can be easy to capture in a photograph, but sometimes you need to be in the right place at the right time to photograph an expressed feeling. This week we’re trying to freeze the emotion of sadness in a photograph – how will you do it?

Use the hashtag #dPSWeeklyChallenge and #dPSSadness in your posts on social media so we can find them.

Remember, sadness doesn’t need to be a portrait of a person, like this beautiful example below:

dPS Weekly Photo Challenge – Sadness
Photo by Dmitry Ganin on Unsplash

Emotion can also be expressed through a scene, like this example below of a landscape (Black & White tends to lend itself to the sadness emotion, don’t you think?)

dPS Weekly Photo Challenge – Sadness
Photo by Jake Colling on Unsplash

Here are a couple of previous posts to help you think about capturing emotion.

Here’s hoping, despite this week’s sad photography challenge theme, that you have a happy week. See you in the comments.

  • Simon

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(aka #gtvone) is the customer support manager for dPS, and lead blogger in our Cameras and Gear Blog. He’s a Melbourne based photographer, www.gtvone.com and please feel free to follow him on Twitter and Instagram.

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