Facebook Pixel dPS Weekly Photo Challenge – Black and White Landscapes
Take control of your camera & capture stunning photos get the guide now!

dPS Weekly Photo Challenge – Black and White Landscapes

Getting a little specific here this week! Manabendra Saha from our Facebook group has suggested Black & White Landscapes, and that sounds like a lot of fun!

#dPSBWLandscapes #dPSWeeklyChallenge

There are no rules to our weekly challenge, just the expectation that you’ll do your best to improve your photography! Anyone can drive down a ride (or walk, or ride) and find a landscape of some kind and then make a black & white photograph of that landscape, but how do you make your photograph INTERESTING. Is there something that leads the viewers eye into your landscape, is it the style of black & white that you choose for your image (if you choose to post process your photograph) what is it?

dPS Weekly Photo Challenge – Black and White Landscapes

You can enter your photograph by posting it here, in the comment below, or you can visit/join our private Facebook group (clickety click) and share it there.

dPS Weekly Photo Challenge – Black and White Landscapes

First things first though…

10 Tips for Landscape Editing
Our Top Landscape Photography Tips
The Best Settings for Landscape Photography

And… (but wait, there’s more!)

A beginners guide to B&W photography
B&W A comprehensive guide
What I learned from 30 days of B&W Photography

Go forth and conquer! Can’t wait to see your photographs!


Read more from our Tips & Tutorials category


(aka #gtvone) is the customer support manager for dPS, and lead blogger in our Cameras and Gear Blog. He’s a Melbourne based photographer, www.gtvone.com and please feel free to follow him on Twitter and Instagram.

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