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Discounts on Wedding Photography and Lighting DVD Guides

UK Professional Photographer Damien Lovegrove recently sent me some Photography Training DVDs with a special offer for DPS readers. I’m always a little hesitant in recommending photography training products without seeing them first but have no hesitation in recommending these ones.

Damien and his team at Lovegrove Consulting know what they’re doing and if you’re someone who is interested in learning about either Wedding Photography or Portrait Lighting then they have set up a special discount for two of their great training resources. Use the code of ‘finezzo’ when you make your purchase and you’ll get a discount of £20 off either of these training packages (£20 = around $28 USD).

MakeThumbImage.jpg1. Double Wedding DVD Offer – with this bundle offer you get two resources

  • Lighting Winter Weddings‘ – a great training resource for beginners to intermediate photographers wanting to explore the topic of lighting for weddings (particularly in low light conditions/interiors). They take you through 100 shots and show you settings and techniques to achieve them.
  • The Big Day – the Lovegrove Way‘ – this one is a great insight for those wanting to know shooting a wedding is like. It is more of a documentary style video that follows a wedding photographer around. You also get a 2nd disc that shows the post production process. The Documentary style DVD gives a lot of insight into how to manage a wedding shoot, manage subjects etc – you also get to see all the EXIF settings for 200 or so shots taken during the day.

Together these DVDs are usually £150. They offer them bundled for £130 and as a special for DPS readers you can get them for £110 (a further £20 off). They are not ‘cheap’ but the quality of the product is excellent as you can see from the trailers/previews on the sales pages.

To get the discount you need to buy the ‘Double Wedding DVD Offer’ and use the code of ‘finezzo’.

2. Double Lighting DVD Offershop-lightflash_4.jpg another set of DVDs with two resources.

  • Using Natural Light – 70 minutes of training on taking portraits with available natural light. Lots of poses, techniques and insights.
  • Using Flash – 45 minutes of training into using artificial light/flash. Lots of insight into the taking of photos as well as post production.

Again – you can watch trailers/previews to get a feel for what these DVDs are like. They are professionally shot and I found them to be very practical.

This bundle is normally £140 but is currently discounted to £120. With our DPS reader discount of a further £20 you get the bundle for £100. Again – to get it you need to buy the Double Lighting DVD Offer and use the code ‘finezzo’.


I know the above is a little complicated – but let me recap.

You get £20 off when you buy either of the two offers mentioned on this page – either the Double Wedding DVD Offer or the Double Lighting DVD Offer. To get the discount add either of the products to your cart and add the word ‘finezzo’ to the ‘coupon code’ in the next page.

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Darren Rowse
Darren Rowse

is the editor and founder of Digital Photography School.

He lives in Melbourne Australia and also runs a newsletter on adapting vintage lenses to modern digital cameras called Old Glass New Light.

Follow him on Instagram or on Threads.

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