Author of Digital Photography Crash Course Jeff Wignall describes his book as offering “easy to apply two minute tips that will motivate you to improve the images you take…
At a pace of about one per page the tips come a’rolling until 100+ tips with accompanying pictures have passed your eyes. It caught me right from the start, with the first being some advice to always carry a spray bottle when shooting flowers in close up. Obvious huh!
Another that I liked was a page on shooting the moon, with some obvious advice: the correct exposure for the moon is the same as for a sunny day … after all, the moon is only a reflector of the sun’s rays! Of course, you may want to capture some earth-bound detail, so you may need to adjust the exposure – but beware of lengthy exposures. The moon moves!
Articulate LCD screens have a defined place in the photographic scheme of things: by placing the camera near ground level you can capture a carefully composed, bug’s eye view. Jeff tells all.
A related tip deals with using flash when shooting flowers:
The tips flow: dealing with bright colours: shoot late in the day when the sun is indirect: use the built-in flash and (if you can) select a smaller aperture (to improve sharpness), then leave it to the camera’s system to balance ambient and flash illumination.
There’s tons more in the book. In my opinion this is one of the more useful publications on how to shoot images successfully — but I would suggest it could make an ideal app for an iPod or similar … that way you could carry around this huge barrel of information with zero fuss. What do you think Jeff?
Author: J Wignall.
Publisher: Lark.
Distributor: Capricorn Link.
Length: 176 pages.
ISBN 978 1 60059 634 6.
Price: Get a price on Jeff Wignall’s Digital Photography Crash Course: 2 Minute Tips for Better Photos (currently 32% off at Amazon).

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