Our very own dPS writer Gina Milicia was recently interviewed and asked about her thoughts on how to break into the photography business.
She talks openly about how she got her break in the business and some of her struggles. I can totally relate to what she says about just wanting to do the thing you enjoy, no matter if you you get rich or make a living from it or not. Watch the video and see if you can relate to what she says too:
“Just keep showing up every day and do something.” – Gina Milicia
In this second video you can see the resulting images from some of the behind the scenes clips in the one above.
Do you have any additional tips for someone just starting in the photography business? Please tell us in the comments below.
Gina is the author of four dPS eBooks including:
- Portraits: Making the Shot
- Portraits: Striking the Pose
- Portraits: Lighting the Shot
- Portraits: After the Shot
You can buy one for $19.99 or grab the whole bundle for only $49.99 (save 38%) from any of the links above.