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Be Personal – Stand Out from the Crowd as a Photographer

Be-Personal.jpgLet’s face it. Right now the industry isn’t as robust as it was 5 years ago. As a result, many amateur photographers looking to break into the business are hurting. Job opportunities are slim. Jobs that do become available don’t pay well.

How’s a photographer to make it to the pro level if supply and demand is standing in the way?

The answer is fairly simple really.

Be personal.

A photographer – amateur or professional – with an outgoing, friendly, and personable attitude will always make an impression on potential clients. And standing out from the crowd is your number one need right now.

Think about it. A personal photographer uses his or her greatest resource: their own personality. This asset cannot be taken away by economic climate. And it is one that can be developed and matured through concentrated effort and time. Nothing can separate you from who you are. While you are waiting for the economic times to get better, develop your personality and your personable skills.

Ask yourself these questions, and answer honestly:

  1. How often do I genuinely ask my acquaintances and friends how they are doing? Do I look for real answers, or do I ask simply to be polite?
  2. Do I utilize the technology available to me to broaden my network and help people without expectation?
  3. How fast do I respond to emails? Do I take a day? An hour? A week?
  4. How often do I review my voicemail and respond to callers? Do I make this a priority?
  5. When was the last time I sent a personal note to a long distance friend? Or called my mother?

Think about all the pro photographers we look up to and love. David Jay. Dane Sanders. Jasmine Star. These photographers are not so absorbed in their work; they are absorbed in the people who revolve around their work.

It’s very basic, really.

Be personable.

If you shoot less, take the down time to grow your level of personal interaction with other people. Make more calls of inquiry to friends. Send personal thank you notes. Write a letter. Have a party – formal or casual – and set up a photo booth for your guests to take fun, laid back pictures. Take out your camera and practice interacting with your family as you take pictures of them. Learning how to engage while creating images is essential to your business. As you grow this skill, your subjects will not only be more comfortable with you, they will be more impressed with you, also.

Be personal, and your business will grow as you do.

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Christina N Dickson
Christina N Dickson

is a visionary artist and philanthropist in Portland Oregon. Her work includes wedding photography www.BrideInspired.com and leadership with www.RevMediaBlog.com.

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