Facebook Pixel A More Lively Way to Capture Your Memories & Experiences
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A More Lively Way to Capture Your Memories & Experiences

Deal 8 dPS Holiday Deals

Day 8 of dPS Holiday Deals brings you 60% off this Photography Concentrate guide to help you “Capture Your Memories with Awesome Video”

Save 60% now

Remember those disappointing photos that fail to capture the experiences, fun and excitement you had? Avoid missed opportunities by using your camera’s video mode. 

As a photographer, you love capturing stories, beautiful moments, and slices of life.

Guess what? Video can do all of those things … very, very well. 

Video gives you an entirely new dimension: time. 

And with time you get: movement, gesture, expression, interaction … 

And here’s the kicker: you’ll find more and more situations when video can do those things even better than photography!

As soon as you download the Shoot Awesome Videos tutorial, you will discover how video is perfect for photographers and instantly be able to get stunning videos out of your camera (You’ll see results within 3 hours!)

Shoot Awesome Video

Save 60% and get the guides and video tutorials now for only $39 USD (usually $97)

Check it out before the next deal arrives in less than 24 hours.

PS – You can still grab yesterday’s deal – The Decoding Lightroom video course for just $49, save $80. Check it out here.

We receive an affiliate commission when you purchase from our trusted partners.


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Darren Rowse
Darren Rowse

is the editor and founder of Digital Photography School.

He lives in Melbourne Australia and also runs a newsletter on adapting vintage lenses to modern digital cameras called Old Glass New Light.

Follow him on Instagram or on Threads.

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