Looking around for something to shoot with your camera? Feeling a bit shot-out? This book could be your salvation.
For many, the problem with photography is that we rarely step out of our comfort zone, rarely take risks and all too often shoot the same subjects over and over again.
Lee Frost’s book should fix those glums as he sets out a plan of 50 projects that should push you out in the fresh air of creativity. Perhaps your equipment is at fault … too few or too many cameras. In this vein Frost spells out his own ventures into varied camera usage by pushing into pinhole photography and even using a flat bed scanner for large format photography.
His take on architectural photography is a blast; likewise, his attack on motion blur shooting and some other wild subjects. Everything needs a new attitude; everything needs a shake down.
An important factor in ‘break-away’ photography is time of day: you get little dazzle if you’re always shooting in bright sunlight, better to hit the road pre-dawn or post-dusk.
The structure of the book is, to say the least, unusual: one minute you’re contemplating wild colour in a shot, the next you’re on the scanner, converting colour into B&W. Frost moves fast and takes you with him on one of the most invigorating rides.
This is one of the most exciting how to books I’ve seen. A real blast!
Author: Lee Frost.
Publisher: David & Charles.
Length: 160 pages.
Grab a copy of Lee Frost’s 50 Photo Projects at Amazon for $16.49 (34% off).

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