It’s been another huge dPS mid year sale and we hope you’ve enjoyed it as much as we have sharing it with you.
Over 7 days, 7 amazing photography deals were released, 24 hours at a time.
But did you miss a deal you’d love to have?
Well, we’d like to give you one last chance before they’re gone for good (it’s about helping you with your photography, after all).
So until Friday, all 7 deals are back!
- Deal #1: Living & Loving Landscapes ebooks – $10 each
- Deal #2: 60% OFF Photography Concentrate’s Incredibly Important Composition Skills
- Deal #3: 100 Hacking Photography Lightroom presets for $10!
- Deal #4: Our Photo Magic ebook – just $7
- Deal #5: 70% OFF Photoshop Artistry: Fine Art Grunge Composition course
- Deal #6: Jay & Varina Patel’s Focus Collection – 50% OFF
- Deal #7: Our Portraits ebooks $7… or 5 for $21!
This is the last time we’ll email you about this sale and we simply can’t extend the deals any further than Friday (they’re just too good).
So act quickly or you’ll miss out!