Today on dPS I’m excited to announce an eBook that is for parents, grandparents or anyone else with kids in their lives – an eBook that is all about helping you to take Gorgeous Photos of Kids. It’s called ‘Click!‘ and you can read all about it here. It’s currently 30% off for a limited time and those who buy it go in the draw to win a $1000+ DSLR (details below).
My Motivation for Publishing this eBook
It’s an eBook that I have always wanted to publish, and I wanted to share with you personal story that I think explains why…
Recently I was invited to a kids party of a family friend. As usual I took along my digital camera to capture the event. I didn’t take a lot of shots that day but did take a few candid shots of the 3 year old birthday girl enjoying her big day – which I later emailed to the family.
I didn’t think much of it at the time – the shots were not my finest work.
However a couple of days later I received a call from the girls mother. She was obviously moved by the photos – shots that she described as the best ones they had of their daughter and images that would help them remember that day forever.
At first I thought she was being a little overly generous with her compliments but as we spoke I realised that the photos I’d taken had had a profound impact upon this mother. The reality was that not only were they the ‘best’ photos she had of her daughter – they were among only a handful of shots she’d taken in 3 years.
She had some good reasons – she was busy, she didn’t feel she had a good enough camera and her early attempts didn’t produce results that motivated further attempts.
The shots she did have were largely either the backs of her daughters head as she ran away, tantrums as a result of her daughter not wanting to pose for shots or overly staged and obviously posed shots that didn’t really capture anything of her daughter.
As a result – she was feeling guilty about the lack of shots she’d taken and feared not having anything to look back on when her daughter was grown up.
“I could never take photos like yours of my kids!” was a statement that has really stuck with me since that day.
I’ve heard that comment so many times from friends and family members but the reality is that you don’t need years of training or expensive gear to take beautiful photos of children.
I was moved by the story – photographing my kids is such a big part of my life. While I relate to the challenges my friend faced I also know the joy taking photos can bring.
And that’s why I always wanted to publish a guide to kids photography.
Gorgeous Kids Photos Are Not Out of Your Reach
Great photos of kids don’t just happen – but they’re not out of reach your reach.
So when Commercial children’s photographer – Rachel Devine – offered to write an eBook guide to Kids Photography with dPS I jumped at the chance.
Rachel is all about photographing kids in a way that captures their emotion, personality and story.
She teaches how to not only take photos of your kids – but how to take photos that you’ll treasure forever because they communicate something that transports you back to that moment in time through the stories they tell.
The resulting eBook – Click is a resource that puts gorgeous images of your kids well within your reach.
7 Reasons ‘Click’ is the Kids Photography eBook for You
- because it is about taking images that reflect the personality of children
- because it is comprehensive – Click covers every stage of photographing kids – from preparation, to shooting through to post production
- because it is not about the gear it is about working with what you have and improving your technique
- because it is practical – you’ll not just learn theory, you’ll be encouraged to put it into action with practical questions to consider and projects to try
- because it has variety – featuring case studies and interviews with a 5 other photographers – you’ll be exposed to a number of approaches to kids photography
- because it is inspiring – this eBook is full of stories and images that will motivate you to explore the possibilities
- because it isn’t just about how to ‘make’ kids ‘pose’ and stay still – its about creating images with meaning that tell your kids story
Who is Click for?
If you have kids in your life – this is an eBook you’ll want whether you be a parent, grand parent, uncle, aunt, friend or child care giver.
Written with all levels of photographers in mind – Click is for anyone who points a camera of any kind at the children around them.
What Does it Cover?
Click is a 100 page resource that is broken down into 7 chapters:
- Think – a challenge to rethink how you approach photographing kids
- Prepare – some of the practical things to consider before you start shooting including gear, settings, exposure, styling, light, composition, color and more
- Smile – tips and tricks on working with kids
- Refine – post-production, editing, printing and sharing your images
- Research – seeking new inspiration and styles (includes project ideas to try)
- Push – 7 photo setups you can try to help you push your own boundaries
- Look – case studies, interviews and photos with 5 amazing kids photographers
Download Your Copy Today – 30% Off
I’m very excited about this eBook and know it will help many in capturing the important moments memories that all families have.
To celebrate the launch of this exciting new eBook we’re releasing it for a limited time with a 30% discount. Normally $29.99 USD today you can download your PDF copy for just $19.99 – just hit the ‘download it now’ button below or check out the eBook information page here.
UPDATE: Win a Brand New DSLR
To celebrate the release of the eBook we’ve decided to add to the 30% off launch discount and to run a little competition to give away a brand new DSLR camera (and lens) to one lucky buyer of the eBook.
The inspiration for the giveaway was comments from a number of readers like this one:
“This eBook is inspiring me want to upgrade my camera and get more into my photography!”
While Click! is an eBook written for people with all kinds of cameras we’ve decided to help make that dream come true for one lucky reader… and are going to buy them a brand new DSLR and lens to practice their kids photography.
We’re putting up a Canon EOS Rebel T3i and 18-55mm lens – over $1,000 (RRP)!
It is a camera that is used by many of our readers and we think it will make a great companion to our eBook.
All you need to do it order Click! before 19 October and you’re in the running.
This competition is open to our international audience around the world and anyone who has already purchased the eBook is already in the running and doesn’t need to do anything more to enter.
As with all our eBooks – Click comes with a 60 day money back guarantee. If you don’t find it helpful for your situation, just let us know and we’ll refund the purchase price.
![How to Take Gorgeous Photos of Your Kids: New dPS eBook](
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