Hey folks, I am very excited to announce that Perfect Layers from onOne Software is now available (currently $30 off)! If you haven’t heard about this program, just know that it is incredible! Perfect Layers is the (perfect) program for anyone who doesn’t have $800 to drop on Photoshop or for those who simply prefer to do all their work in Lightroom or Aperture.
Instead of writing out a full review/preview of this product, I though it would be more beneficial to make a screencast. After the screencast, be sure to read on for details on the giveaway. Here we go!
See what I mean!? Perfect Layers unlocks so many doors to those who don’t have, don’t prefer, or don’t know how to use Photoshop. It takes one of the biggest advantages of Photoshop (layers and masking) and turns it into a quick roundtrip program that can be used right alongside of Lightroom or Aperture.
I highly recommend anything from onOne. Before making the purchase, feel free to put Perfect Layers (or any other product from onOne) through the ropes during a 30 day free trial. If you love the program(s) as much as I do it will be a no brainer!
If you’re reading this just as the article drops, onOne is currently offering Perfect Layers for a discounted intro price of just $99. Once the sale is over the price will go up to $129, but you can always get 15% off the full price by using the coupon code DPS15.
Update: this post has been updated. Previously it included a limited time giveaway competition which has now concluded. The winner was announced here.

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