***UPDATE*** This awesome news just in! BlackRapid have just signed on as one of our official walk partners! That means that we’re going to have the entire range of BlackRapid straps on hand to give away to a number of very lucky walkers! Check out their range!
Digital Photography School and Think Tank Photo are holding a joint photowalk in London City on the 19th of February, 2011. It will start at Liverpool Street Station, walking out at 3pm (on the dot) following a route down and across the city for some large steel structures and glass, then taking in Brick Lane for some grit and interest, circling around and about and ending back at Liverpool Street tube station (or close to it) at a public house for a drink and to crown the competition winners.
Think Tank Photo have kindly provided us with three camera bags from their belt pack range, the SpeedDemon, SpeedFreak and SpeedRacer These will be given to the winners on the day! (details to follow!)
The Map isn’t totally 100% finalised, but I wanted to get a notification up to let people know this was happening and to clear their calendar! The plan will be to meet from 14:30 on Saturday Feb 19th at Liverpool Street Station with a view to leaving at 15:00hrs on our walk, we’ll be walking, chatting and taking photos for about two and a half hours, so not tooo long! Then we’ll all head back to a venue (I’ve yet to 100% confirm this, but working on it) to have a refreshing beverage and a yarn about all things photo.
There is a thread in the dPS Flickr Group where you can also post your images and we would love for you to post one in the photowalk thread that will be in the forums after the walk!
The walk is open to all levels, from people with point and shoots to dSLR cameras to iPhones or a dusty polaroid that your grandpa gave you (I’ll be bringing my INSTAX 210) there’s only one requirement, and that’s that you come along and have fun!
A few simple house keeping rules for you. Please, no unattended children as I can’t watch them all 100% of the time. Please ask me any questions you have now, via email below. Please do note that dPS nor Think Tank Photo can be held responsible for you or your gear whilst on this walk, so whilst we take every precaution not to lose anyone or their camera (I’ve not lost one yet!) that if this does happen, we’re *very* sorry.
If you have any questions, please comment below or contact me directly via this email address —> simon@digital-photography-school.com
Who is your walk leader? Me! –Simon Pollock. I’m the dPS community manager, a music photographer based in London. I’ve led photowalks previous to this one (Scott Kelby’s World Wide Photo Walk) and will be on hand the whole time to answer any questions you have.
Please fill in the form below to confirm your attendance! This is going to be fun!
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// ]]>Some photos from other photo walks!

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