You might have heard some crazy talk about the ioSafe gear before now? “They ran over it with an earth mover” “He sprayed it with a fire hose” That sort of thing? Well it’s all true – see the video below!
So, we’re giving one away, a 1.5TB drive that is fire, water and baby proof!.. To be in with a chance, check out the details in this thread in our forum
The last time we ran a competition to win a 500GB ioSafe, this time the guys at ioSafe have told us to give away a 1.5TB ioSafe! That’s enough room for all of your photos AND you could take it swimming if you really really had to… Make no mistake, this drive is a true brute that will protect your data come rain (Waterproof to 10 feet of fresh water or salt water for 3 full days) hail (see rain) or shine (1550° F for ½ hour)
So, how do you win it?
You need to post a “self portrait” (That means YOU took the photo of YOU!) how you would react if you lost ALL your digital photos – lost, gone, that’s it, game over! in the forum thread here
The winner will be chosen by public vote (I’ve not worked out how yet!)
Entries 24th June to the 2nd of July – As a reply to this post, in this thread. Max 740PX wide. Max 5 Entries per person.
Voting 2nd to the 9th of July – Voting to be by you guys, details to follow!
ioSafe will be shipped to you where postal services and country laws allow.
Winner announced in this thread and on the blog on Saturday July 10th
Check out the awesome ioSafe 1.5TB here and follow them on Twitter and Facebook to show your love!
Get shooting!!

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