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A Colourful Collection of Images from The Holi Festival

Holi is a spring festival in India and Nepal, also known as the festival of colours or the festival of sharing love. It’s a wonderful festival for participants but presents photographers with an amazing opportunity.

The festival happened in the last week so we thought we’d put together a collection of images from it (and previous years).

If you’ve been – we’d love to see your images from it in comments below!

Holi Matura by Vichaya Pop on 500px.com

Lost in the Echo by Mrigankamouli Bhattacharjee on 500px.com

"The Holy Chants" by Prakash singh on 500px.com

Colors Wave by WAEL ONSY on 500px.com

Holi Festival Girl by Ron Kimhi on 500px.com

The Colours Of Holi by Vichaya Pop on 500px.com

Faith by Sudarshan Das on 500px.com

Holi Melody by Utkarsh Chaturvedi on 500px.com

Colored Face by Tom  Abraham Dcruz on 500px.com

Colours of life by Prakhar Tripathi on 500px.com

Holi man by dimitris manioros on 500px.com

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Darren Rowse
Darren Rowse

is the editor and founder of Digital Photography School and SnapnDeals.

He lives in Melbourne Australia and is also the editor of the ProBlogger Blog Tips. Follow him on Instagram, on Twitter at @digitalPS or on Google+.

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