Every now and again I have to stop and pinch myself as I think about where this site has come from since we began in April 2006.
I usually do it on milestone days when we hit some new mark in terms of traffic or subscriber numbers. Today is one of those days – we just hit 70,000 forum members!
Congratulations and welcome to Tinkybell for being number 70,000 and a huge huge thank you to everyone who has joined and who contributes in our forum area. We’re seen 160-200 new threads being started over in the forum each day, 1500-2000 new posts being written and around 150 new members joining every day.
What’s more satisfying than the numbers though is the people who are a part of the community. There are complete newbies to photography mixing with Pros (and every level in between) – all learning together, celebrating one another’s photography, sharing photos and helping us collectively become better photographers.
A special thanks to Sime and our moderation team for all their hard work in keeping everyone getting along (well most days we get along).
OK – enough celebrating – lets get back to the photography stuff!

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